Get off the cross
Get off the cross is a way of telling people off for presenting themselves as the victim or how bad things are.
It was also the debut album of the band Firewater.
It was also the debut album of the band Firewater.
"I'm telling you man I'm doin' all the work around here and everybody hates me for it!"
"Get off the cross dude, you're not the only who has chores."
"Get off the cross dude, you're not the only who has chores."
Get off the cross
Playing the martyr when you are the one that is unfairly treating someone else.
"How dare you get angry at me cheating on you - if you were doing what I wanted and giving me what I needed I wouldn't cheat"
Get off the cross - no matter what I did or didn't give you cheating is not right and you know it.
Get off the cross - no matter what I did or didn't give you cheating is not right and you know it.