

俚语 get-one-in


(phrase) In Junkiedom, meaning to get a shot/injection in oneself.
Man, I'm glad those squares finally left. I was finally able to get-one-in.

Get One!

When you make an extraordinary or non-sensible joke, one that really burns its listener, and said listener is unable to even formulate a response to rebut the initial joke, the joke-teller then yells "Get One!"
Bec: You're colder than London...the Windy City.
Joey: ....
Bec: Get One!!!!

Get one in

When he or she intends to get a packet of Peruvian snow delivered.
James said to the boys, shall we get one in?

Get one

A less conspicuous way to infer sexual attraction; as opposed to other base and common adjectives such as "fuck" and "shag". This term manages to achieve the same primitive undertones whilst sounding somewhat factual and legitimate in its subject matter.

May also be said in other ways such as "I'd give her one" "She'd get one", "He'd get it..."
If I was drunk she'd get one...

get one on

To indulge in a heavy drinking session
"I can't wait till 5 o'clock on Friday - I'm gonna seriously get one on."

get one

take a dump
yo dubbs, quit hounded me, i gotta go get one.

yo its been 2 hours since i threw down breakfast, when i'm gonna get one?

yo come on D we ready to roll...nah man i gotta go git one first.

everybody gets one

Spiderman saves your life once, and once only.
"What'd he say?"

"Apparently everybody gets one..."




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