

俚语 getting fucked

Getting Fucked

1. To have sexual intercourse.
2. To be take advantage of, betray, or cheat; victimize.
3. To make a mistake; bungle something.
I paid too much, I'm getting fucked on this deal. (victimized)
I'm going out tonight, I hope to be getting fucked later. (sexual)

Getting Fucked

1. To have sexual intercourse.
2. To be take advantage of, betray, or cheat; victimize.
3. To make a mistake; bungle something.
I paid too much, I'm getting fucked on this deal. (victimized)
I'm going out tonight, I hope to be getting fucked later. (sexual)

get fucked

to instruct someone to leave or go away
You, mate can go GET FUCKED

get fucked

1.) used to tell someone quickly and precisely that you do not approve of them or their actions

2.) to express one's immediate feelings of discontent
1.) get fucked!

2.) i hope your wearing lipstick, cause your gunna get fucked!

get fucked

1) To express total disrespect to someone.

2) To exclaim disbelief at a statement made by someone else.
1) Go get fucked bitch - it aint mine.

2) Person A: I just won the lotto again!
Person B: Oh get fucked you did!

get fucked

Commonly used in Australia as a sign of disbelief.
One of the few countries in the world where "Get Fucked" is an acceptable start to a sentence.
1: "Hey Mate, I just won the lottery"
2: Get fucked!

get fucked

Used by Australians to define anything. Second most used word there after "cunt". Can be used when something amazing happens, e.g. Timmy Cahill scoring a stunner or your mate breaking the speed drinking record of your local pub (also known as the Cahillian Challenge )
1. "Timmy Cahill sliding out back...Oh get fucked! Get absolutely fucked!"

2."I've just beaten ol' Mike at ping pong" "Get fucked!"




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