

俚语 getting fucked in the ass

Getting Fucked In The Ass

1. A more harsh version of getting fucked over in a certain situation. Mainly used to describe how a sports game is going or to describe a bad day.

2. Also can be taken in a literal term in which you physically get penetrated in the anal by another dude, and is found most common among gays.
1. John: “Dude did you see how much Clemson is losing by”

Jim: “Yeah, they’re really getting fucked in the ass”

2. Steve: “What did you do last night bro?”
Aiden: “Oh I was just getting fucked in the ass by Todd, you should join us next time. Then we can all get fucked in the ass.”

get fucked in the ass day

A day when you get some booty
Eli did you hear today is national get fucked in the ass day?
Yes, I did I'm gonna get fucked in the ass today




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