Ghayad is a girl that looks like hitchock anyways she's a girl you can depend on when you need something or someone and her makeup is so emo but still cute and ghayad maybe a girl but she's A metrial GrowL and no-one could be her and her jokes are just sarcastic as my ass anyways if you have ghayad keep her ugly asses
Like she says o3a
O3a is a thing ghayad does
O3a is a thing ghayad does
Ghayad is a girl that looks like hitchock anyways she's a girl you can depend on when you need something or someone and her makeup is so emo but still cute and ghayad maybe a girl but she's A metrial GrowL and no-one could be her and her jokes are just sarcastic as my ass anyways if you have ghayad keep her ugly asses
Like she says o3a
O3a is a thing ghayad does
O3a is a thing ghayad does