

俚语 ghost bullets

Ghost Bullets

These are special Ectoplasm seeking bullets that will tear cut through ghost like a hot knife through butter.

Although rare to fine, there have been over 1,000 reported cases of Ghost Bullets shell sightings

The most infamous use of the Ghost Bullets was when Casper was found gunned down by rival Ghost Gangs for bringing heat upon them (Casper was attracting orgs. like Ghostbusters by shutting windows randomly around high schools).
Person 1: Yo my fucking house is haunted.

Person2: You need to get your ass some Ghost Bullets and tear those motherfuckers outta there!

Person 1: Bitch, if it was that easy to find Ghost Bullets, Ghostbusters would be out of fucking business

Person2: You fucked then man.

Ghost Bullet

When a male and female are engaging in ear sex, after the man ejaculates in the female’s ear, he then proceeds to pull out a firearm and shoots the female in her other ear. The end result is a bullet traveling at a high velocity through the opposite side of the female’s head enshrouded in semen, similar to a depiction of a ghost, thus producing a Ghost Bullet.
Mom: “Hey honey, how was your weekend?”
Billy:”it was great Mom! Debrah let me give her a Ghost Bullet!”

Ghost Bullet

When in a game, normally multi-player FPS, you shoot at someone but, because of the lag between you and the server, the enemy doesn't take any damage, resulting in a rage quit.
1)Yo, I think this dude shot a Ghost Bullet because he's blaming at me of using cheats.

2)What a loser. Imagine raging because your internet is bad and you still play multi-player




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