

俚语 ghost forum

ghost forum

A message board that is still online, but is practically deserted, save for a small group of people who still visit it. Normally there are large amounts of broken links, and any topics not on the front page are a few years old.
Armageddon Games Forums is a ghost forum, it's still around but it's slowly shrinking away.

Forum Ghost

1. an online forum member who is invisible as being active or online
2. an online forum member who posts very infrequently
1. userA: It doesn't show userB is online, but he just responded to my post.

userC: userB is a forum ghost. He may be here. He may not be.

2. userA: Where's userB and userD? They haven't responded for a week.

userC: They are forum ghosts. It may be a while before you get a response.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 0:50:40