

俚语 ghosties


When taking a shit after you wipe your ass there is nothing on the toilet paper.
Gary: WOW that was quick.
Paul: Yea.. I did a ghosty!


The Ghosty is the act of pushing a bicycle firmly so that it will free-wheel out into a busy street and disrupt traffic.
Look at that bike go


To get ghosty is to leave, otherwise known as to cut, get swindy, cat, or dip.
The other night i was in this bitch's bedroom at like 1 in the morning and her dad came in, so i hadda get ghosty on a chick.


When you finish taking a shit and look down at the toilet, to find it has disappeared (further into the toilet's plumbing).
Possibly one of the most confusing experiences imaginable.

Not to be confused with a "white Angel"
Holy shit man, I just did a ghosty! At first I was like "where the fuck did it go?"


The act of disappearing from a night out with your mates to avoid being called a pussy.
I pulled a ghosty last night.


When smoking a bong; a draw is taken, the mouth piece is then covered, leaving some smoke inside the billy. After holding in the draw, and exhailing, the ghosty can be sucked in to increase the hit of the initial draw.

Some people believe that the ghosty is what gets you stoned, but that cannot be accurately confirmed.
*Takes draw* "Quick! Save the ghosty, it's the best bit!"

"I greened out from a ghosty once!"


the insane pro cod player who attracts female attention
You are so good Ghosty,
you play like Ghosty,
Ghosty is insane




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