

俚语 ghost shitting

Ghost Shitting

A sport where participants sneak into other peoples toilets' and take a shit, without flushing and without the knowledge of the toilet owner. This can be done to someone you know or a complete stranger, opportunities to ghost shit in a stranger's toilet are limited but the existence of outdoor toilets in sheds can create great opportunities
'Honey!, I just went out to do the washing and you've left a turd in the loo' 'I never use that toilet, maybe someone was Ghost Shitting last night'

ghost shit

A shit that you spend a nice long time working on, but then when you're done, isn't in the toilet! You could have sworn you took that shit but it's gone! You wipe your arse and it's perfectly clean. Where did the shit go? I don't know!
Bob: Hey man! You didn't flush the toilet! Samwise: It's ok playa. It was a ghost shit... respek

Ghost shit

The feeling you get when you urgently need to take a major shit. Get to the toilet, sit down but nothing comes out. Maybe a small fart or the smallest turd crumb. Leaves you scratching your head after. Makes you think your last consumed food or beverage was a poor choice.
I got stuck in traffic and felt like I needed a shit. I rushed back to my house and run to the toilet. I sat there for a half hour but no shit came out. Fucking ghost shit!

Ghost Shit

The act of defecating in one's toilet, and upon turning to admire, finding no shit in the toilet
"I ate so much at that taco place I thought I'd definitely find a masterpiece in my john, but I made a Ghost Shit instead" Said Michael woefully

ghost shit

Stool or dump of which there is no trace when you stand up and turn round to admire it.

Ghost Shit

When you take that monster shit, and then go to wipe your ass, but theres nothing there. It's like it never happened... :|
Kelsey: Hey Matt you almost done in there?
Matt: Yeah but we're out of toilet paper...
oh wait its a ghost shit nevermind its coo.

ghost shit

When you shit and whipe your ass and its clean. *then you look in the toilet, the shit went down the hole, thus simulating the effect that your shit never existed.

*the first condition is enough to constitute a ghost shit.
youll have it one day




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