

俚语 gierge


A person who has an attractive chin but no personality. He also gets no bitches and only likes men. Nobody likes him and he is mad annoying. He is addicted to Aldo's dick cheese and his popcorn jokes.
Aldo: Popcorn

Gierge: Ok


A very unskilled rust player that loves foreskin cheese. Very handsome, but very dumb with a nice chin!
Josh: Don't tell me your doing a Gierge


Gierge is a person who waddles like a penguin and has a very deep crevice in his chin, commonly used as a breeding ground for another form of foreskin cheese, called crevice crustation. A Gierge also is a very religious person and most commonly classify as cocktic orthodox Christian Egyptian style. Often, you can encounter your local gierge at an original cocktic orthodox Christian Egyptian style pyramid in the middle east. A typical gierge enjoys, edging on his chin and curls, sharpening his knowledge on the subject of Mrs. stapler and European history.
justin and thao: OMG, why do you have so much crevice crustation on your face gierge?

gierge: Sorry, I had a gierge moment with mrs stapler!




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