

俚语 and then it steamed

and then it steamed

The perfect ending to any story
Greg: Dinner was great, and then it steamed.

Benny: We were both running for the lavatory, and then it steamed.


The reason why some people gave up cocaine and marijuana but still spend money as if they were buying drugs.
"hey dude, s'up?"
"nothing, just spent another twenty bucks on Steam"
"Shit dude"


An app by valve software that sells downloads of games old and new and usurps you of your money.
I spent $100 on Steam and I haven't even played half of the games I bought.


Someone who is really mad or pissed off.
Curt was steamed like rice after Jenny rejected him for a date.


The gaming platform that pretty much every Chad PC gamer uses.
Friend: Dude, I installed Steam 3 days ago and I've gotten laid 25 times already.
Me: Yeah, I've had it for 7 years and got laid 843 times, and that was 9 hours after I got it.
Friend: Sweet.


Online gaming store/client/DRM service created by Valve corporation. Games can be bought on Steam, and there are often game sales and bonus pack deals for promotions (Bioshock sold for $10.00 on Boxing Day). There is also a social networking aspect a la Facebook, where you can make friends, join gaming groups, etc.

There are a growing number of games which are using Steam for DRM purposes. These games are, once installed, tied directly to Steam and not your computer. The pro to this is that you can play said game on ANY computer with Steam installed using your account. Games also update themselves automatically. The con is that is that Steam has to be running for the game to play, althought offline mode exists.

The other definitons are outdated and don't represent the improvements Steam has made over the years.
Steam is a great gaming service and the least obnoxious forms of DRM. Yes it is still rather slow but the pros truly outweight the cons. Secu-ROM can burn in hell.


Moderate intoxication through alcohol consumption. Typically characterised by a noticable reduction in common sense and decision making capacity. One step above pissed on the scale of drunkenness and one below battered.
We seem to have a few traffic cones in our living room. I guess we were steaming last night.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:16:51