

俚语 gilad's


A very tall man. He must be taller than 1.91 meters. He is very sexy and is great in bed. He has a lot of luck with the ladies..... Ohhh yeahhhh
Did you see the gilad walk by? Daayyyuuuummmmm.


he is a very kind person who cares about his friends and people love him very much and he helps Lauren with her math homework and he is good at basketball and is resting because he hurt his knee but he’s really nice and everyone loves him so it’s OK and he has very nice curls that particularly Andrew enjoys examples of him maybe a kind person and many more 💜 kiddo
We all love gilad


Gilad, the most heated person you'll ever know, but its hard not to be friends with him.
He can be nice sometimes and he's kinda friendly and give you some .cookies if you'd like
Person 1: Did he just give you a cookie?
Person 2: Yeah ididnt expect that, cuz you know, he's a Gilad!


A guy who has rlly good friends that he calls them by the names: Agamixx and Shalo also he has a rlly big cock like 3mm in length and 5mm wide he can barely feel it . His friends usually sexualize him as a microwave and whenever he has the chance he tries to run across the street naked. I would say he is such an amazing person!
Yo why is he running with his cock outside hanging
He is such a "gilad"


That one guy that nobody likes because he is too weird.
Guy 1: Have you seen Gilad?
Guy 2: No, I saw him eating noodles in his closet while watching jimmy neutron.


A nice guy that will never get a girlfriend...
Hi gilad, im breaking up with you


Has a humongous cock and is attracted to the male gender mostly
Gilad, stop being so gay




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:32:57