

俚语 girl boner

Girl boner

It’s when you get a little heart beat feeling down in your pussy
Watching that fine rican boy come out the water with that nice six pack on him gave me a whole girl boner

girl boner

The state of a woman who is sexually aroused. Usually used with reference to the person or thing that caused the arousal. See boner.
My sister said that she has a girl boner for Brad Pitt, and then my mother said, "He gives me a girl boner too!" I was so creeped out by the whole conversation!

girl boner

The female equivalent to a guy who is turned on sexually and has an erection.
Cassidy has been nursing a girl boner for her friend Regan's boyfriend Meredith.

girl boner

The aroused clitoris
This porn is giving me a girl boner

Girl Boner

When Ellie sees Caidie.
Ellie: OMG! is that Caidie?!
Amy: It certainly is, isn’t she well clapped.
Ellie: No! Not at all, she just gave me the biggest girl boner!

girl boner

boys who provoke boners in girls
Christian gives me girl boners like WHOOA!

Girl Boner

When ellie sees caidie
ellie: omg is that caidie?
amy: yeah it is isn’t she well clapped
ellie: no i just got the biggest girl boner




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:31:55