

俚语 girl scouted

Girl Scouted

Its when you repeatedly go from vaginal to anal sex, like going door to door selling girl scout cookies.
Bro, I girl scouted that hot chick from Math class all last night!

Girl Scout

A way to get amazing cookies
Dude those cookies are amazing, where did you get them from?
Girl scouts dude

girl scouts

are on the dark side
come to the dark side... we have cookies! therefore the girl scouts are on the dark side

girl scout

The club for girls age 5-17 that teaches them people skills, real life skills, and money hounding skills. You can identify them by the shiny buttons and hand-sew patches on their vest or sash. Or you can look outside of a local grocery store for the munchkin asking (polietly, taught by her leader!) "would you like to buy some girl scout cookies?".
Would you like to try some girl scout cookies? 70% of the money goes directly to the troop. 20% to the council, and 10% to the baker.

And they are good!

girl scout

1. A youth program for girls (female equivalent to the Boy Scouts) that works to teach them life skills and how to sell cookies.

2. Slang for lesbian.
I bought 23 boxes of cookies from a girl scout.

Man, all the hot women are girl scouts.

girl scout

Young prudy girls who are taught "life skills" by elderly lesbian women and enjoy it until they become 18 years of age when they realize what they've gotten themselves into.
Guy 1: what's wrong with her?
Guy 2: oh she just realized she's been hanging out with girls that want to get with her.
Guy 1: How'd that happen?
Guy 2: She's a Girl Scout.
Guy 1: oh okay

girl scouting

that act of publicly judging any or all females in your field of vision
Johnny: Hey Joe what are you doing tonight?
Joe: Im going to the mall to go girl scouting, wanna come?




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