

俚语 gloucester high

gloucester high

A place where all the students and even the teachers are on drugs. Most of the people in the school have no teeth, are pregnant and majority of the kids smell like cat piss. Where you get no education and bitched at by every teacher you see. Not only are the students that attend that school strange and obnoxious, they also think it's cool to give their group of friends a really stupid specific name. For example "The Goons," also known as "the most annoying kids in the school." Gloucester high is a pathetic excuse for a school and I feel sorry for anybody who attends it or has.
Bob: hey what school did you go to?
Ashley: oh I go to Gloucester High
Bob: Wow. That's a shame. I'm so sorry to hear that.

gloucester high school

an extremely scary school in ottawa with many stabbings in the area. anyone going here should fear for their safety. if you have the chance you should immediately transfer schools. almost everyone is on drugs and if you even LOOK at someone in the wrong way they will tell their gang about you and get you beaten up. i am praying for anyone who has to go to this terrible school. my advice to anyone who is going here is to make it one year without looking at or talking to anyone and transferring schools if you manage to finish the year.
person 1: did you hear about the freshman at gloucester high school who got stabbed just for the entertainment of the person who stabbed him?
person 2: yeah, i feel so bad for anyone who has to go to that terrible school

GLoucester High School

The 2nd most ghetto and the 2nd most dangerous high school in ottawa (next to Rideau High School). For white kids, gloucester is a scary, dangerous and boring high school to attend. For black people, its a chill place to hang out, do drugs, sell drugs and scare the crap out of white kids. For immigrants, its the perfect place to get in large groups, act tough, get in shit, get in trouble and get deported back to the country you came from.
immigrant kid 1: yo there are so many immigrants at gloucester high school.
immigrant kid 2: yea, it feels like back at home.
immigrant kid 3: (starts screaming loudly for no apparent reason) ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
immigrant kids 1 and 2: ERRRRRRRRRRRRRR! (once again, for no reason)
immigrant kids 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 down the hall: ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!




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