

俚语 gluh


A sound often used by mouthbreathers and pencilnecks while under moderate amounts of pressure. Can be used by non-nerds to call out an awkward situation so as to make the situation not awkward.
"Hey Arnie, wanna make out?"
*eyes widen*
"Gluh, sure Stacey"

"Hey how are you man?"
"Good yourself?"
"Good you?"


The sound females, predominately in porn; make when getting their face fucked.
"Sarah tried voicing her opinion the other day so I smacked that bitch in her face and said "the only thing I want to hear outta your mouth is gluh gluh gluh" hehe I tell you what"


A word or sound that someone makes when they are bored. Usually a low pitched noise that hurts your adam’s apple when you make it. It means to like be bored. Tons of kids in my school use it and it was made for kids with hyper activity . It doesn’t really benefit them though .
Sam (our of no where: gluh gluh gluh!
Arch: Gluh!

Sam: bahahah

Arch: LMAO!!

gluh gluh gluh

A sound that you make when there's a dick in your mouth.
Your mom says gluh gluh gluh because there's a dick in her mouth

gluh gluh glee

The noise one's stomach makes when they have have consumed too many liquids.

Gluh gluh glee occurs when one is very very hungee.
I drank 8 gallons of vitamin water and now my stomach is making a lot of gluh gluh glee.

Last week I was gluh gluh gleeing during all my finals.


Something really bad; terrible
Those bars were straight gluh. Those rhymes were straight gluh




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:54:25