Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) is a type of business structure in Germany, Austria and Switzerland similar to a limited liability company (LLC) in the United States. Other abbreviations with the same meaning include GesmbH (more common in Austria), mbH when the term Gesellschaft is part of the company name and also gGmbH (gemeinnützige GmbH) for nonprofit companies e.g. hospitals or nursing homes.
Sheesh Kabab Industries GmbH
give my boyfriend head
i really wanna gmbh
Mayo Corporation GmbH
Mayo Corporation GmbH, Famously known as Mayocorp is the most sustainable mayo corporation out there. Has no competitors because it is just better.....
Mayo Corp is well know for their "sustainable" approach to taping the Atlantic icebergs together with sticky tape.
Maycorp as won many awards, ones you can see due to the confidential website
Mayo Corp is well know for their "sustainable" approach to taping the Atlantic icebergs together with sticky tape.
Maycorp as won many awards, ones you can see due to the confidential website
Mayo Corporation GmbH - limited but not limited to mayo
Gurby S (18), Mumbai (5 Stars) - (Loud Voice) Wasn't Me.
Alfred (57), Catanzaro (5 Stars) - This company seems wrong yah? But no no, I live in Italian my whole life and since come to Catanzaro it make it very nice. I once kicke the footbal and GOAL. Highly recommend and the German Pizza was very strong!
Gurby S (18), Mumbai (5 Stars) - (Loud Voice) Wasn't Me.
Alfred (57), Catanzaro (5 Stars) - This company seems wrong yah? But no no, I live in Italian my whole life and since come to Catanzaro it make it very nice. I once kicke the footbal and GOAL. Highly recommend and the German Pizza was very strong!