

俚语 gnamm


GNAMM is the most famous gang in the world. If you’re in The GNAMM you’re the most respectable person in the fucking universe.
-Are they The GNAMM?
-Yes. Oh my goood😱😎
-I would have sex with them every day!


GNAMM is the most famous gang in the world. If you’re in The GNAMM you’re the most respectable person in the fucking universe.
-Are they The GNAMM?
-Yes. Oh my goood😱😎
-I would have sex with them every day!


The GNAMM is the most famous gang in the world. If you're in The GNAMM you're the most respectable person in the fucking universe.
A: Are they The GNAMM
B: Yes.Oh my godddd😎🥶
A: I would have sex with them every day!
B: Yeaah me too!

or- “You’re GNAMM” To say that that person is the most fascinating, strong and respectable in the world




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更新时间:2024/6/3 10:09:40