

俚语 gnawed out

Gnawing Out

A term used when a person is fucked up on Norcos (10mg/325mg), or "gnawing out" out when said person eats, snorts, or otherwise ingests the drug either illegally or way more than prescribed by their doctor.
Ryan: Yo, Steve-O, you look like you're feeling good.
Steve-O: Bahhhh, Burrr!
Ma: Man he's gnawing out on those norcos!

Gnawed Out

The act of getting fucked up on pills. Said pills can include Vicodin (hyrdocodone/apap), Norco (stronger hydrocodone/apap) Oxycotin (Oxycodone), Xanax (Alparazolam) etc. This is when you are in a complete state of being fucked up from taking pills, either orally, inter nasally, or even anally.
Ryan: Yo, Steve-O, what you got there?

Steve-O: About 90 Narcos and 120 Xanax.

Ryan: Oh shit, we're gonna be all gnawed out today!




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