The subject of a Maplethorpe still picture.
Cpl Whitherspoon hoped GySgt Bohannon didn't find out he'd gotten beer money for being a gnude model...the Gunny was so retro!
To be gored or mounted by a male gnu. (The former being preferable)
After having been gnude while on a photo safari, Professor Dovetonsils avowed that next time the Nikon was staying home and he was bringing a .460 Weatherby Magnum.
To recall prior knowledge of.
Orville gnude he'd seen her before...maybe she'd been a centerfold or sumthing.
Aussie slang on a clothing optional beach.
G'day, mate...any g'nude sheila's to root for?
To look ugly when naked.
You think Paul looks funky in speedos, you ought to see him gnude.