

俚语 go figure

go figure

a remark made to something said that is typical or falls under Murphy's Law.
"The ONE day I call in sick at work, and the fucking boss, who happens to leave work early... sees me at the strip joint...go figure!!!"

go figure

Used as an expression of confusion. It is used to state that you do not understand a particular situation or they way a person is acting.
Bearded John: I am actually a woman.
Fred: Go figure!

Go Figure

Something you say when someone posts an insulting and condescending definition on UD, but it's full of spelling and grammatical errors, proving that whoever posted it is as dumb as the people he's insulting.
Asshole: "A saying used when something happens that you might have expected, but you have absolutely nothing original or intelligent to say. Generally used by idiots with IQs below 85, who just want to hear them selves talk, and build thier own unfounded egos.

Hey, Something happened like I thought it might....Go figure huh huh huh huh..Go figure right? huh huh man i'm the coolest..go figure,,huh huh"

Me: "Guy can't spell 'themselves' or 'their' right, but he thinks he's smart. Go figure."

Go figure

A slang phrase used only in the United States of America, short for "go and figure that out". It is typically only used in speech, and is an attempt to ridicule the previous thing they said. In fact, all it does is indicate that the person is both ignorant and stupid.
"In Russia, they actually like to drink vodka. Go figure."

Go figure

When you are talking to someone and they don't understand what you're talking about. Or they don't know what you're talking about. You are entitled to tell them to "go figure".
Josh: You should go listen to the White Stripes
Amy: the Who?
Josh: Go figure!

Go figure

A saying used when something happens that you might have expected, but you have absolutely nothing original or intelligent to say. Generally used by idiots with IQs below 85, who just want to hear them selves talk, and build thier own unfounded egos.
Hey, Something happened like I thought it might....Go figure huh huh huh huh..Go figure right? huh huh man i'm the coolest..go figure,,huh huh




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