

俚语 goitering


the act of discreetly changing someone else's homepage to an oversized image of a goiter.
*clicks i.e.*
this is the third time this week, stop goitering me!


Noun; an obese or very fat person. Not to be confused with the term Goiter, which is typically a protuberance from the neck or other areas. Also, Goiterous refers to a type of meal which will lead to one becoming a large, fatass person.

Can be used as a verb to describe a fat person while in their presence, yet not actually calling them obese to their face.

Used as an adjective to describe things that either make one look fat, or enhance ones current state of fatness.
"OMG, I just wolfed down a Big Mac, I feel Goiterous!"

"Holy shit! Check out that fatass chick, she is the epitome of Goiterous!"

That outfit is too tight, it makes you look Goiterous...


an inflammation of the thyroid glands causing a funny-ass balloon thing on people's necks
When the goiter was busted, the juice fed the land.

Macr 9: 27-29


An incredibly large Adam's Apple.
Wow, Ryan's goiter is gigantic.


a boob on someones neck
i'm gonna tattoo a nipple on my goiter


a little more cushion for the pushin' on the neck. frequents bass players who quit bands and then have nothing to do for awhile. so they work at hardware stores and accumulate the neck mass. but no matter how big the goiter gets, we still love them forever.
"Did you just see him?"
"Yeah. Looks like he's got a goiter.Gross."
"Good. More goiter love for me."


A disease caused by IODINE deficiency! Iodine is NOT a vitamin. It is an element found in salt and seawater. Dumbass.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:02:30