

俚语 goldy's


She is just the most caring,sweetest and most kindest girl in the universe. She makes me laugh and she makes me happy and she is really beautiful and she is the universes greatest girlfriend
Goldie is the most bestest thing in the universe

the goldy

The Gold Coast in Australia
John: wanna go to the goldy
Stan: fuck yeah I’m keen for a surf


A golden being or deity from God
The Goldi was clearly showing the likeness of all things beautiful.


Goldie: A fun, loving, outgoing person. Always cheerful and there for you when you need her the most. A "typical" Goldie usually has blonde hair. She changes it often though. She's also well-noted for being spontaneous and random. A Goldie is a good friend that you will never want to lose. She's an amazing person inside and out. She's also a very beautiful woman. To have and know a Goldie is a treasure best kept. Also, she has some bomb ass pussy.
Person 1: Who is that?
Person 2: Oh, its Goldie
Person 1: She's gorgeous, I wish I looked like her
Person 2: I wish that too.


Something that really stands out amongst a pack of mediocres. Surburban slang.
"Hey, I know! A double-alaskan-semi-cockadoodle-doo-rainstorm"
"Now that's a real goldie!"


a UK drum and bass dj, who is referred to as the godfather of drum and bass. Goldie had a very unstable childhood moving from foster home to foster home which has been a large influence and inspiration in his artwork and music
"rings of saturn" and "timeless" are goldies best albums


Goldie is the best human ever she is so nice and caring and pretty and has never let anyone down also Goldie is a great friend and girl friend she will never I mean never be rude
Goldie,is my best friend




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:26:39