a person you have no interest in dating just playing with them basically a hoe.
He's a gommie king.He messes with Sarah and Jesse at the same time.
To describe something gooey and slimy
This cheese cake is very gommy
Clumsy. A Maine idiom.
After he knocked the lamp over for the umpteenth time, Chet's wife exclaimed, "Why do you have to be so gommy?!"
To gommy:
To spin wildly on the spot until unable to stand.
To spin wildly on the spot until unable to stand.
Look how fast he can gommy, he'll make himself sick.
A stickey mess.(adj)
To create a sticky mess. (verb)
A stickey mess.(adj)
To create a sticky mess. (verb)
The fruit cake batter looked like a gommy mess to me.
My son gommed up my tools with chocolate syrup.
My son gommed up my tools with chocolate syrup.
To be gommy is to be slow, geekish, four-eyed, lethargic and off the ball
Nick is just SO gommy!
The relationship between Grace Carlson Mortali and Thomas (Tommy) Sullivan Browne. It is well known that this relationship is better than (and superior to) Cack.
“Did you see Gommy out last night?”
“Yeah! I caught them at Chipotle!”
“Yeah! I caught them at Chipotle!”