

俚语 google earth

Google Earth

1) Software developed by Google which enables you to search the entire globe through satellite images.

2) My new crack.
I could see my car in the driveway with Google Earth.

Google Earth

Similar to NASA's WorldWind, Google Earth is a program that allows you to scroll around the world and zoom in to wherever you like. A number of areas have satellite photography available to a high level of detail (you can see individual cars and stuff).
Google Earth seems to be an improvement on WorldWind because there is really high resolution imagery to a lot of areas around the world, rather than just Washington DC.

Google Earth

A program that allows people to search up a location, and go look at it. Used by 11 year olds who type profanity in, and try to find if it's a real place.
'Yo man, wanna look up 'Vagina' on Google Earth?'

google earthing

What I do when I have nothing else to do. I have no life. I mostly look for abandoned airports.
I have some time to kill, I think I will go google earthing.

google earthing

sitting at home or at work all day and looking up peoples houses on google earth.

also called google earth stalking
timmy sits at home all weekend google earthing. its so weird!

google earth ass

The condition of having an ass so large it is visible on Google Earth
If I don't go on a diet soon, I'm going to get a google earth ass.

Google Earthing (verb)

The act of using Google Earth to find an object.
Jimmy is Google Earthing (verb) to find out what his roof looked like.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:32:28