

俚语 google or type a url

Google or type a URL

Google told me to "Search Google or type a URL, and im smart, so i decided not to make this word "Search Google or type a URL... Oh no... if someone tells u to search something, u dont put the word search in front of it? so why do it now?
Hey Jimmy, search google or type a URL for me plz.

Search Google or type a URL

When you've been lying on your bed for hours staring at your computer screen and search "Search Google or type a URL"

because you're bored out of your mind
Me: How bored are you?
My Mind: Open a new tab and tell me what you see at the search bar

Me: Search Google or type a URL..?
My Mind: Search that up
Me: Why
My Mind: It's important

Search Google or type a URL

when your bored in class and have nothing to do then you copy what google says (Search Google or type a URL) then your really bored!
Teacher: Do whatever you want on the Chromebooks
Student: copy google (Search Google or type a URL)
Teacher: oh your bored...

Search Google or type a URL

I searched this up and it came up with the urban dictionary so I made this. And also you are bored if you searched this up.
u are bored by searching Search Google or type a URL

Search Google or type a URL

If you typed this down it means you are really bored and you are probably in class doing math.
"im bored im going to search this up so that whats means."
Search Google or type a URL

Search Google or type a URL

you usually type this in when you are bored in class.
search google or type a url

Search Google or Type a URL

You type this into google whenever you're bored to extinction. I am so bored that I'm typing this and you're so bored that you typed it and found this.
Bob: What the fuck are you doing?
You: Im so bored im typing the Search Google or Type a URL
Bob: Wow, you must really be in a pit of pure boredom




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:35:34