Someone that uses google.
I am a self proclaimed googlian.
A person who knows nothing about the present conversation and uses Google to try and keep up and add their tiny inputs here and there.
"Did you catch Dylan on his phone during our chat, definitely a Googlian."
Jizz Googlian
Someone that uses jizz goggles
Man 1: guacamole nigga penis, jizz googlian
googlian slip
Noun: an insertion made by a spellchecker, autocorrection, and/or predictive text function in a communication device that reveals a conscious and/or subconscious thought, feeling, desire, etc., unintended to be sent by the messager. From "Freudian slip," where the speaker utters an unintentional subconscious thought/feeling.
The Googlian slip revealed the defendant's possible homicidal tendencies by correcting the word "grabbing" to "stabbing" in his late iMessage to the deceased.