

俚语 gook


A derragatory term used against Korean and Vietnamese individuals. The term came about when American troops participating in the Korean war, heard the term "Miguk" which is the Korean word for the United States of America. The term is pronounced similarly to "Me Gook". The Americans thought the Koreans were calling themselves gooks and the name stuck. The name also refers to Vietnamese individuals as American GI's really had no idea what the difference between any Asians were.
The grocery store, the dry cleaners, and the liquor shop are all owned by those damn Gooks.


a racial slur used against asians mostly people of korean and vietnamese descent.
american soldier 1: the only good gook is a dead gook
american soldier 2 : you said it


a foreigner, especially a person of Phillipine, Korean, or Vietnamese descent. also see chink
you fatass gook!


A racial slur for East and Southeast Asians; essentially the equivalent of the n-word. First used in the Philippine-American War, it was used as a term for enemy combatants before repeated and widespread use in Asian wars (namely the Korean and Vietnam Wars) made it a racial slur. In the USA, it is more commonly - but not exclusively - directed at the Vietnamese. Often erroneously thought to have originated in the Korean War after soldiers misheard "mi-guk" (Korean for America) as "me gook"; use of the word "gook" dates back to the late 19th or early 20th century.
White supremacist hater: "Send them niggers and gooks back to where they came!"


an asian
dong is a gook


A term coined during the Korean conflict (more commonly known as the Korean War), referring to one of Asian state who has a penis smaller than four centimeters (2.3 inches) and loves rice, and taking photographs of larger penises.
Don: "What is this, some kind of convention?"
Mark: "What?"
Don: "There are gooks all over the place, it's like I'm back in Korea!"


To Smoke/ Blaze with an oriental (Asian)

Troy and Leos word ©
Leo and Troy are going Gookking





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