

俚语 gorilla tag

Gorilla tag

Yo, have you been playing gorilla tag lately?

Yes, how did you know

Your arm is broken

Gorilla tag

A game played by 9 year olds that get NO bitches
Girl:Do you play Gorilla tag Boy:Yes Girl: Get some bitches

Gorilla tag

A game on the VR where people have the cringiest roast battles and 9 year old mini games.
Friend: wait you play gorilla tag!

Guy: yes how did you know.
Friend: you get no bitches

Gorilla tag

the greatest most dangerous game in the universe where you can return to monke
ME: Hey Logan, you've been playing gorilla tag too much?
Logan: yeah, how did you know?
ME: Your arm is battered, and i think you cut your hand on the scissors again.

Gorilla tag

Gorilla tag is a game on vr your are a monke and trying to tag people or your friends.The invected is “lava monkey “, you as the monkey is going through the tree and course you have to not get taged
Do you want to play gorilla tag with me

Gorilla Tag

A game of where every middle schooler and kids below 12 meet up. if you have long arms, prepare to get mass reported because you don't have the physical body of a 11 year old child.
I play GORILLA TAG. I'm a 12 year old kid who didn't hit his growth spurt!

Gorilla Tag

A game what causes deaths , holes and crying children.
"You dude you been playing gorilla tag?"
"Yeah look inside my room you can see it."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:23:29