

俚语 grab a dick day

grab a dick day

A day of the year where you run up to that hot guy and jack him off just a tad. I love you dad and mom you thought me well😏
Hey Sarah did you grab Jon’s dick today? It’s grab a dick day!

grab a dick day

On september 20 grab as many dicks as possible!! it’s grab a dick day😂 let yo inner hoe out for a whole 24 hrs and challenge your friends to do the same
maddie: omg i just grabbed jason’s dick that make 7

sky: haha i already grabbed 12

maddie: ahh i love grab a dick day

national grab a dick day

On April 13 it will be national grab a dick day just like grab a boob day or grab an ass day you will grab a dick
Katelyn: Sarah did you just grab his dick?
Sarah: It’s national grab a dick day.

National grab a dick day

April 20th , everyone needs to grab a dick it doesn’t matter if it’s a girl’s or guy’s dick you can grab a dick and maybe even give it a good handjob, no punching the dick and you can’t say anything when someone gives you a hand job
is today National grab a dick day?

National grab my dick day

October 4 is national grab my dick day this day was created on October 3 when a lot of hose and school wanted to grab one dudes dick there for national grab my dick day was created
Hey bro it’s national grab my dick day no Homo

It’s all good bro here let me grab your dick

Did you guys hear it’s national grab my dick day I better go grab Kyle‘s dick

Grab Dick Days

October 17-19 are national grab dick days. Any girl can grab your dick and you can’t say anything about it
Grab Dick Days is where anyone can touch your dick without permission

grab dick day

On 4/13 Its Grab A Dick Day! (two days after grab butt day)
Hey You Know Tomorrow is Grab Dick Day!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:38:36