

俚语 graham crackers

Graham Cracker

A term used to describe a mixed person.

Us this word for when you are both a n***a and a cracker.

Or if it makes you feel better say graham for short.

It is hateful if a person that is not mix says it
This graham cracker said.

Fight me graham cracker!

What up my graham cracker.

Graham Cracker

1: See iPod Nano.

2: A cracker made of graham.
My friend said his iPod Nano was stolen but he actually dropped it in his graham cracker box and ate it two weeks later.

Graham Cracker

A racial slur for Hispanics
Hey Christian, you're a fucking graham cracker

Graham Cracker

A Mexican or Latin person with a brown complection that acts like a white person.
I have no Hispanic friends, and I don't have a Spanish accent! I'm such a Graham Cracker!

Graham Cracker

Someone who is initially fun to be around but is more and more boring as you get to know them, similar to the way a graham cracker tastes.
"Shannon is so fun!"

"You only say that because you've just met her. She's a graham cracker."

Graham Cracker

Name given to a God Created Bi-racial , vibrant, intelligent, considerate black male, that has a college degree, flies airplanes, has written a book and has a US Patent, and has never acted like a stereotypical negro, always tried to better himself and loves his mother. The one calling him a graham cracker, smokes weed, drinks brown liquor, has never did shit with his life, has lived in a roach infested apt, has displayed all out jealousy, always has been that negative negro, and pretends to be a saint, buying a house with Executor of the Will money, pretending that he has done some shit. But calls the good one a Graham Cracker. Negro Please.
Hi, I have never done shit with my life and I resent you because I was my own anchor and since you have light skin, and mine is darker than yours, hey, everyone needs a scapegoat, so since you do the right things and I smoke weed and drink brown liquor, I am going to for no God Damned reason, call you a “Graham Cracker”.

graham cracker

A black person that acts white
It may be brown, but it's still a cracker

"Look at that black boy in the mosh pit...what a graham cracker"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:56:48