

俚语 grailmisdoer's


An ancient myth about the immortal man who was master of Occult sciences (knowledge of the paranormal)

He was Alchemist and seer who Became dominant to the arts of crafting flesh and transmuting blood, granting them mastery over life itself.

Grailmisdoer was Generous, Courageous, Kind, Genuine and Trustworthy but also Arrogant, Callous and Selfish.
Very few were welcome in his realm, until the day an elegant sorceress approached to him with offer of love...
after eons lust and passion turned to gory and bloodshed!

Finally he died brutally at the hands of his love, and then she fled and took what knowledge she had of blood magic with her.
The legends says his reappearance may have come soon, as time has not yet washed away all the stains of his previous lifetime.

Maybe Grailmisdoer has been forced to rouse himself once and for all...
Grailmisdoer's power was insane.
Grailmisdoer is so kind.
That little tag was what made Grailmisdoer fall in love with her.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:41:54