

俚语 gramping


the act of getting really high and falling asleep at awkward times in a lazy boy in the poze of a grandpa
tyler got sooooo high last night and he totally gramped, he started gramping at like 6 oclock


someone who has characteristics of an old man.
1. falling asleep anywhere including using a calculator
2. wandering off with no purpose or destination
3. mumbling to himself because 'its a bonus if anyone is listening'
gramps fell asleep in the middle of a sentance again.


Gramped is what happens to a man when he becomes a grandfather for the first time.
My daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I got gramped!


An endeering term used generally to describe a male friend who is gradually showing more and more characteristics similar to that of a grandad.
"G" used to go out pubbing all the time and never really minded spiders much, but now he has developed a sudden case of arachnaphobia and much prefers to sit at home with the wife, pipe and slippers. We used to prefer "G" when he wasn't such a Gramps!


Any person (regardless of age or gender), place, or thing lacking in speed.
"Way to go 5 miles per hour under the speed limit, gramps!"

"C'mon, slowass gramps!"

"Jesus christ, get the hell outta my way, gramps!"


When a person has a certain level of badassery that goes beyond badassery.
That was gramps man!


An endeering term used generally to describe a male friend who is gradually showing more and more characteristics similar to that of a grandad.
"G" used to go out pubbing all the time and never really minded spiders much, but now he has developed a sudden case of arachnaphobia and much prefers to sit at home with the wife, pipe and slippers. We used to prefer "G" when he wasn't such a Gramps!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:46:06