29th december
If you were born on this day, hunny you are a bad bleep
29th December is a cool day to be born on
29th december
29th December is the day that the biggest dicks is born so if you're lucky and your partner is born in 29th December take a trip down his pants and see for yourself.
Her:So when is your birthday
Him:29th December and you?
Her:wait did you say 29th December?!
Him:yeah why?
Her:how long is your dick?
Him:wtf almost 8 inches lol.
Her:you're e mine.
Him:29th December and you?
Her:wait did you say 29th December?!
Him:yeah why?
Her:how long is your dick?
Him:wtf almost 8 inches lol.
Her:you're e mine.
29th December
Implasexual and Implagender awareness day!
Remember you are valid no matter what <3
Remember you are valid no matter what <3
Person 1: Do you know what day it is?
Person 2: 29th December! Implasexual and Implagender awareness day! They are so valid!
Person 2: 29th December! Implasexual and Implagender awareness day! They are so valid!
29th of December
December 29th is national drippy blue crew
Omg its the 29th of december its national drippy blue brew day