

俚语 grassiji


Grassijis are ultimate pussys made from the accumulation of all the weakest genetics from history, and they are massive Incels and a probable genetic dead ends. Whilst they are smart and get good exam results, they are constantly rejected by complete munters, and have been known to be rejected by the same girl several times without ever learning their lessons (that girls don't dig em). The 'Grass' part of the term is due to the fact that Grassijis often tell the teachers on others for calling them names or making fun of them online. Grassijis are the natural enemies to {MattNs due to the fact that they are polar opposites. MattN)s are ChadPreets but Grassijis are eternal virgins. MattNs are popular but Grassijis are not. MattNs are hard, but Grassijis are very weak and fragile, and have been known to cry after being slapped, or even something as mild as being called gay. Grassijis are prone to lashing out at random moments, even though they don't have the strength to actually cause pain to the recipient of their outburst. It has been known that Grassijis have attacked people but ended up on the floor within a few seconds of swinging at their opponent, making them look like nobs to their surrounding peers, causing them to be alienated.
Random guy 1: Holy cow, look at that virgin having a tantrum
Random guy 2: It seems that he is on the blob
Random guy 1: Probs, but it could just be that he was rejected. For the 5th time by the same girl!
Random guy 1: Geez, I've seen him get slapped before and he cried lol
Random guy 2: For a 15 year old, he is acting 14 years too young
Grassiji: Stop making fun of me! I'm going to tell the teacher and then go home and play E sports because I am an athlete!
Random guy 1: Oh shut up you Grassiji!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:58:07