

俚语 gravy stains

gravy stain

The deposits left in the underwear after numerous bouts of diarrhea during the day.
I had a rough day, i had bad diarrhea all day and had to crap 7 times.When i checked my underwear, it had gravy stains in it so i had to throw it out.

gravy stain

a term used to describe the colouration around an individual's rectum.
that stripper had a gravy stain with it's own gravitational field.

gravy stain

The dark area on a womans breast, surrounding the nipple is called the areola. Some women have enormous areolae, which are disgustingly large, and these are known as "gravy stains."
Dude, I don't mind big breasts, but if shes got those gravy stain areolas, all bets are off dude

gravy stains

When a fat girls ass cheeks are so big they dont allow the crack to see the light of day which results in gravy stains. This could happen over a period of a few months. Also known as mustard stains.
Yeah...lets see that ass baby.Wait...what the fuck, you got gravy stains on that ass.

gravy train stain

that brown stripe in your boxers from either not wiping good enough or from sharting yourself
dude, all my boxers have gravy train stains in 'em




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