

俚语 greenlighting


The usually-unconscious act of turning the object of one's romantic desires into a representation of some sort of ideal - a metaphorical "green light" shining across a bay. Often taken to the point where even if one were to successfully court that person, it would be unsatisfying as they would be humanly incapable of living up to the dreamlike figure they'd been built into.
A: Why won't Jay just talk to her if he likes her so much?

B: He's been totally green-lighting her. Even if he manages it, she's not the person he wants to think she is.

green light

a termed used by gang memebers when some gang has a hit out on em.
dude, six fools got blasted last week from that neighborhood...they got the green light.

Green light

(n.) to give the go ahead
also (v.) give a green light or give the green light
Ok, we got the green light.
You got a green light, make it quick.


A term used when there is a price on your head by either bounty hunters, mercs, or thugs.
"What's wrong wit you, dog?? Don you know thay's a GREEN LIGHT on yo ass??"

Green Light

Green Light(verb)

Pronounciation - \\ˈgrēn-ˌlīt\\

To give a positive signal to do, or say something.
Horny Guy- Hey, l want to have sex with you...

Hot Girl- Um...

Horny Guy- Just give me the Green Light, and l'll get started... *takes off shirt*

Hot Girl- Well, to tell you some facts, *Takes off mask* l'm not a girl... l'm a guy.

Horny Guy- Well, to give you some straight-up facts, l'm not a "Horny Guy"... *Takes off Strap-on Dildo* l'm a Walrusman.


a tactic in flirting, to give the go-ahead for the other person to ask you out via non-verbal cues.
He's come into my work every day this week. I've let him know I'm available and let him know through my across-the-room-staredowns that he's got the green light.


When someone gives you the "Go ahead"
I didn't know if she wanted to leave with me, but she gave me the green light to go ahead and ask.




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