

俚语 green nipple

green nipple

A green nipple is the action of fucking a cat and then at the point of climax, striking the cat at upon the head with a long handled shovel.
jorge: dude did you hear about Dominic?
Gerald; no! what happedened!?
Jorge: He did the green nipple to Seamus's cat!
Gerald: Oh damn!!!!! No way!! That's fucked up!!!!1

Green Nipples

When your nipples get:
1. Soggy
2. Swelled
3. Or multicolored
Often result of purple nurple, being drunk, or sex
1. Man i got drunk last night and had HUGE green nipples
2. Yeah i hate those, but i get them a lot when im with my girlfriend..... in a dark room...... alone

Green Emo Nipples

The official gang name for the radical group of gorls that are just too cool. A.K.A. G.E.N.
“who are you guys?” “green emo nipples”




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