

俚语 grid


Gay Related Imune Deficiancy Syndrome. Early slang term for AIDS.
I have the grids.


A slang term referring to the condition of an object or situation. The condition is of abhorrence, causing nausea, or general strong dislike.

Not to be used lightly.
I went to mcdonald's and ordered a mchcicken. I bit into it, and there was a cockroach in it. That shit was grids.

Gridding it

To spend some time in "the learning grid"
Implication that it's serious quantities of time
Griff: You Gridding it today?
Dave: Gonna have to, have tonnes of work to do!

The grid

Florida slang for let’s fight.
Tell jit to come outside and step in the grid


Original medical acronym for AIDS. Stood for gay related immune disorder. Not a word of a lie.
I used to have GRID, now I have AIDS


Grown kid

A pejorative term used to refer to a young adult beyond their early twenties still dependent upon their parents for daily well-being.

Not to be confused with a Boomerang Kid, these are single young men and women who are lazy, able-bodies sloths, unwilling to support themselves, and generally provide no positive contribution to society.
Tom: Has your grid gotten a job yet?

Joe: No, what about yours?

Tom: Man, if it weren't for their mother, I'd have put my lazy-ass grids out ages ago.


laptop computer - a computer that is portable and suitable for use while traveling
Did you bring your grid with you this weekend?




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