

俚语 gridding it

Gridding it

To spend some time in "the learning grid"
Implication that it's serious quantities of time
Griff: You Gridding it today?
Dave: Gonna have to, have tonnes of work to do!


Gay Related Imune Deficiancy Syndrome. Early slang term for AIDS.
I have the grids.

The grid

Florida slang for let’s fight.
Tell jit to come outside and step in the grid


Original medical acronym for AIDS. Stood for gay related immune disorder. Not a word of a lie.
I used to have GRID, now I have AIDS


Grown kid

A pejorative term used to refer to a young adult beyond their early twenties still dependent upon their parents for daily well-being.

Not to be confused with a Boomerang Kid, these are single young men and women who are lazy, able-bodies sloths, unwilling to support themselves, and generally provide no positive contribution to society.
Tom: Has your grid gotten a job yet?

Joe: No, what about yours?

Tom: Man, if it weren't for their mother, I'd have put my lazy-ass grids out ages ago.


Grid is a Jacksonville slang use as fade.
"ayy you tryna Grid ??"

"If someone steals from me, When gone have to Grid"

Brother: "I swear imma Grid jhitt next week"


Gay Related Immunity Deficiency. The original name for HIV/AIDS back in the 1980's. The reason for the name was that the disease started out in homosexuals. It then spread to heterosexuals by use of blood, needles, and promiscuous sexual partners. The origin of the disease is unknown. Some say it was created by the government, others say it came from bestiality, and others say it was made for homosexuals.

The fact of the matter is no matter its origin, it is a serious issue in developing countries and in homosexual communities due to unprotected sex and erotic sex.
(1980) Ewww Rupert has GRID! I bet it was all those men he took it up the pooper!

(2010) Damnnnn Wahid has AIDS. I knew there was something odd about that blond chick but he just didn't listen.

I heard Marco has AIDS. You know, I bet if he wrapped it up when he had gay anal sex he wouldn't have that damn thing right now.




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