

俚语 grigger


A Greek person acting ignorant; A Greek Nigger; A Greek person "acting black" by wearing certain clothing and using modified speech or slang.
Jimmy is such a Grigger, he wear saggy pants with a tilted hat and bandana while he flips his komboloi.


a greek person who thinks they're black, ususally talking like there ghetto and listen to rap like it's jesus.
guy: hey man whatr u listning to?

grigger: Fuckn T.I bitch. Hbu holmes?

guy: dude ure sucha fuckn grigger. not to mention a douche.


(Slang) Derogatory term referring to those with a "green" skin tone. Similar to the term "ginger".
Sally: "That girl is such a slut!"
Joe: "You're just upset because her baby's got a grigger for a daddy."


The niggers that correct your grammer at any chance they get.
It can also be grackers if they're white.
"Dude when it comes to basketball your one of the best players"

"Its you're"
"On second thought, YOU'RE a grigger"


A racial slur for the sole purpose of hating the Greeks
You hate griggers cuz your a turk i hate griggers because they invented math we are not the same


the white people version of nigger. so you could call a white guy a grigger.
look at that dumbass grigger.


A Greek person
Person 1: We’re learning about Ancient Greece today

Person 2: I don’t care about those griggers. Why can’t we do something else?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:00:06