A man by this surname is usually defined as classicly handsome or known for a rather medieval looking face. Hair days are often either ridiculously good or bad and is well known for a strong chest. The name Grinsted originates from the term 'Smiling horse' so dont be shocked if your Grinsted is a bit long faced. Usually very intelligent creatures with both technical objects and in common sense. They tend to collect Quiche and Beer on regular occasions and cannot dance. Their rooms are empty and clean, Grinsted's have a good gene for designing and creating. Often found enjoying sport and support Tottenham Hotspur FC (A North London soccer Team) and like nothing more than a good cycle ride to keep their spirits high!
Gran: You're a classicly handsome young man ;)
Grinsted: Thank you
Gran: You have very medieval features ;)
Grinsted: Cheers... could someone hand me some quiche?
Grinsted: Thank you
Gran: You have very medieval features ;)
Grinsted: Cheers... could someone hand me some quiche?