Group Therapy
The act of brotherly bonding while under the influence of marijuana. Group Therapy may be accomplished under the influence of various other drugs, but, cocaine's tendency to make you an insufferable prick, meth-amphetamine's tendency to make you a different variety, but still equally annoying, kind of prick, and heroin's general shittiness make weed the drug of choice. During a Group Therapy session, it is common for parties to have stoned revelations, confessionals, or general break downs. Like all stoned endeavors, group therapy should be accompanied with a liberal quantity of nutella, cheetos, and whatever the hell else you can find, so long as there is enough for everyone, lest your Group Therapy Session turn into a pissing match over the cheetos.
Etymology - The concept of a group bonding in a "therapy" session, however, typically this can be achieved without the aid of drugs. The basis for the use of this expression in the context of drugs however, stems from an album cover for the album "group therapy" by "dope". Connect the fucking dots.
Etymology - The concept of a group bonding in a "therapy" session, however, typically this can be achieved without the aid of drugs. The basis for the use of this expression in the context of drugs however, stems from an album cover for the album "group therapy" by "dope". Connect the fucking dots.
Dude, do you like, dude, wanna come over for group therapy dude?
Aw fuck naw the last one was shit because you didn't bring enough goddamn nutella.
Dude, this is like ironic!
Aw fuck naw the last one was shit because you didn't bring enough goddamn nutella.
Dude, this is like ironic!
Group Therapy
A gathering of three or more Lifetime friends.
I can barely hear you over the sobbing din of Group Therapy at the next table.
group therapy
Group Therapy is the process of finding your zen on the dance floor. It is when you lock eyes with another person and a nod of understanding passes between the two of you, and you both think at the same time, we are sharing this experience together, and that in itself is a beautiful thing. And then you realize that everyone else had come for this exact same reason, to share this small moment together, united by music.
I experienced Group Therapy for the first time last weekend and it transformed my life.
group therapy
When me and my friends get drunk and smoke pot together. It's a good stress reliever and works much better than cutting yourself or talking to some shitty therapist for an hour!
Group therapy was so much fun last night! We drank a new type of wine and smoked some really good weed.