

俚语 gruppie


Green yuppies. Working professionals who are career driven but environmentally conscious. Traditionally urban dwellers, in already gentrified suburbs who harvest their own veggies and honey. They are oat milk sipping, electric vehicle driving, sandal wearing people trying to limit their carbon footprint.
The old industrial areas are now becoming gruppie havens with their community gardens and ethically sourced cafes


A green-oriented yuppy (i.e., gruppy = green + yuppy). Typically, one who works and/or lives in the city and lives an eco-friendly lifestyle. Often, given to trashing mainstream "pop culture" for conspicuous consumption while lavishly consuming many eco-friendly products to demonstrate a profound lack of consumerism.
While she wasn't exactly a hipster, the rain-driven drip-system she employed to grow herbs outside her 3rd story apartment showed she was very much a gruppy.


A dog that is 15+ years old that has both grandma/ grandpa tendencies as well as acting, looking and has the energy of a puppy!
We took our gruppy for a walk today. Although she seemed energetic, she had to take many breaks.


A definition to describe a puppy or small dog "a very gruppy puppy". Yes, a very gruppy puppy indeed. A word to describe the cuteness or cute personality characteristics of your dog or pup that delights you
Our cute little dog is very gruppy with her canine mannerisms.


1.To express a liking in a person or action
2.To show awe, or be impressed
Dude, that was so Gruppy!


a retired groupie, now a washed up hag
That gruppy is so desperate now, she throws her underwear on stage in karaoke bars.


A "thirty something" that wears clothing resembling that of a teenager. A mother who dresses like her daughter. A man in his midlife dressed as a skater.
There are many Gruppy examples out on the street, just look around you. Usually they are people who are in denial that they are getting older. Clutching desparately to their youth, using appearance as a tool to try and fool those around. This term was recently coined by a New York Fashion Magazine.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:57:00