a hairstyle that is a blend of a mop and an afro, usually brown.
Wow, check out that dudes gudgeon!
A small undeveloped penis, looks prepubescent but found on a man who has reached sexual maturity. Named after the small bottom-feeding fish found in rivers and lakes in Western Europe
After his pants came down I had to do a double-take, there was nothing there but a gudgeon!
gudgeon grope
lengthy search for a not so lenghty penis; gudgeon,with dissapointing results
Sally went for a gudgeon grope on Bill and came up empty handed
Connor gudgeon
Connor gudeon is a overweight, selfish prick who thinks he’s gonna own his dads business and live off his dads money because he thinks he’s better than everyone. He’s going to get a fatal disease and die a very slow, painful death.
Connor gudgeon is an overweight coon