

俚语 anki


The only way to keep a medical student memory passing.
An app used to help you remember everything you can't memorize.
Bro, send me that Anki deck


an unintentional limp wrist on a straight person
Colleen had such a bad anky yesterday in the kitchen you would have thought she was a sassy gay hairdresser.


A man wearing pants with shorter pant legs to show off their exposed ankles. The etymology is from "cheekies" for women's underwear.
What is the deal with that guy in his ankies?! Nobody cares that you aren't wearing socks, guy.


Short form of Anklebiter. First came into circulation pre inernet, in the days of BBS and DDial.
That moe is a real ankie.


anky is a person who is annoying, but deep down your best friend you could ever have.
Person 1: *steals a pencil from person 2*
Person 2: You’re so anky


Used to describe feelings of dissatisfaction, grumpiness or impatience while talking to another person.
To tell you the honest truth, I'm getting a little ankie.

Anky Breaker

when your anky was broken
"Yo did you get caught by the po po"
"Ye. they pulled out the anky breaker on my ass"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:31:37