

俚语 guion


Guion means daddy he is sexy asf plays hard to get is naturally a hoe but can be loyal if he tried and he is most often a football player
Her: wow who is that hot guy

Friend: that’s guion isn’t he sexy


Three found it
two possessed it
four knew it
three guarded it
one lost it
one forgot it
two remain.

Omnes viae Guion ducunt.


a dirty hippy, often unshaven and playing a guitar
stop that Guion, hes harassing mcdonalds customers


The most loyal family man who will stink a bathroom whenever he enters one. His farts can kill a small child. Fun to be with and always surprises and delights. He leaves every cupboard door open and refuses to close drawers. A sports enthusiast with an insatiable appetite. You must treat him like a Labrador puppy and make sure you run all his energy out or he will destroy the house. He probably has nasty toes, but a warm and hug heart.
Joe: you can tell guion has been here. Every drawer is open…
Guion: what can I say, I am on this earth to annoy.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 11:13:29