

俚语 gummy worming

Gummy worming

When a guy had been drinking and cannot get it up, but tries, thinking "if I can just get it in it will get hard" his penis creating the feeling of a gummy worm on the womans vagina and/or leg.
"Ricky was so drunk last night that he just kept gummy worming me and we never went all the way "

Gummy Wormed

Getting your dick Sucked while it is flaccid
Dude I just gummy wormed last night

[gummi worm]

a yummy colorful stretchy candy!
a gummi worm is yummy! yay!

gummy worm

Flaccid penis.
I like your cute gummy worm.

Gummy Worms

When two men stand naked in front of each other, and slap each others genitals against each other. First man to get a hard-on loses.
Dude 1: Dude, you wanna go listen to showtunes?

Dude 2: That's gayer than playing gummy worms.

Gummy Worm

The stage of a mans dick where it's softer than it's regular soft that should never be shown.
Guy: bro i totally showed this girl my dick on gummy worm.
Guy: dude you know you never show your wood on gummy worm.

Gummy Worm

When an individual with no teeth gives a blowjob while fingering the recipients butt hole
Rodger's grandma totally gave all of us a gummy worm at his birthday party last night!




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