

俚语 guttie


A person who drives 45km/h above the speed limit while still being able to say they own at Halo 3
I hear their 18-year old son is quite a Guttie


training shoes
Ma, where are my gutties?


To be rude or awful towards someone, but in a socially acceptable way.

Derives from the word 'gutless'
Pat: I was so close to bringing her home, and then John came up and whispered in her ear I have herpes"

Brian: That's gutty

Pat: And to top it all of, he ended up taking her back to our place!

Brian: King gutty!


Northern Ireland; cheap trainers your mother forced upon you when you were young, ONLY used for PE. Would've been a source of embarassment but everybodies mum bought them. Made from canvass and vulcanised rubber
you - "But Mum I don't want gutties, I want proper trainers"
Mum - "Proper trainers'll cost £15! You'll make do with gutties"


Inexpensive training shoes.
Those Gutties are ugly. I would never wear those!


1. Money Getter, Gettin mad cheddar, Getting girls mad wetter
2. Pretty much just the 8th letter
Look at that kid hustling on the block, he's a young gutti.


descriptive of a gutt, or a fat cat.
that gutt is so obese and gutty.




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