

俚语 annaka


A girl who is amazing in every way, is totally sexy, is smart, beautiful, cute, quirky, a total badass and occasionally squeaky. She is perfect. She can be serious, super hot, super cute, super swagtastic or just totally crazy, but everyone loves her except her exes because they are too upset over loosing her.
I love that girl, she is an Annaka.

Awwww that kitten is soooo cute! It reminds me of Annaka!


a female of great taste, and class
Beautiful and totally smart

She is giving and always puts others first
She is Amazing
She is perfect just like Annaka


perfection , she’s like a painting. So perfect and comforting <88
“that’s annaka , she’s the best 🤣, all hail annaka”


ugly ladie from SLI and eats butts haahah this is max gillman from SLI um yeah annaka loser yeah follow me on tiktok ayyyyy thanks byeeeeee
annaka is poo poo




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:48:19